Saturday, July 21, 2012

Blog Hop!

I came across this "Blog Hop" and thought it was a great way to check out new blogs, and let readers know more about myself. So here goes!

1. What state do you live in?
I live in California.

2.Your Current Teaching Position
I'm currently teaching 2nd grade at a Catholic School, it will be my second year here teaching 2nd. I love my grade, they are like little sponges! 

3.Your Teaching Experience
This will be my second year teaching. Before this position I was an instructional assistant in 2nd grade at a public basic school. Before that, I was a tutor, an after school program leader, and an Americorp Member.

4.When You Started Blogging
I have been following blogs for the past few months, but started my own just recently! After gathering ideas from the internet, co-workers, and my own imagination, I thought what better way to share then make a blog for fellow teachers!

5. Share a Blogging Tip/Blogging Resource
Something useful that I've found is adding all the blogs I follow to my reading list on Blogger, the new posts show up on a list and I don't have to search for each one. Something I will keep in mind for my future blogs is to use lots of photos! I love seeing pictures of what I read about. 

Below are links to "hop" through all these teaching blogs! Cool!

Click here to get the code to post the blog hop on your blog!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Choosing the Perfect Book: A Resource

This website shows you books you can use to help teach specific reading and writing skills. Comprehension skills, word study, genre study, 6 + 1 traits, etc. Their data base has categorized the books for you, so you just choose the skill you want, and there are books to help you teach it! A cool resource I plan on utilizing this year!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

My Pinterest Board

Pinterest has been a great source of ideas for my classroom. I have found countless projects and organization tips (and more) on here! This is a link to my "teaching ideas" board. Check it out, you may find something useful!

Classroom set-up photos coming soon!