Friday, March 14, 2014

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Our Cultures

This is one of my favorite projects to do in Social Studies. Each student works with their parents and family to find out more about their culture and where their families are from.
Students then share with the class where their family is from by marking it on the world map. We discuss traditions, language, foods we like to eat, our ancestors and more.
The take home project you see below are culture dolls. I let the children choose which color they want their doll, then trace out the person shape. They take home the dolls and decorate them to look like a boy or girl from their culture. Traditional clothes are fashioned out of paper, fabric or drawn straight onto the doll. They all come out looking very unique and I keep them displayed all year!


Here is our Second Grade Timeline! In Social Studies we learned about using timelines, and how they can be tools to keep track of life events. For our timeline, we post important events from our school year. The kids love adding events to the timeline!


For this project, the children were paired up to research on an animal that uses camouflage. In our reading program there is a whole unit on camouflage, so I integrated this science project into that unit. The students also created posters and typed their reports.
Part of the Common Core Standards for ELA are collaborative projects and publishing works using digital tools. This research project hits many Common Core Standards for ELA!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Silent Auction

Our annual crab feed and silent auction is coming up in February, each class contributes a project for the auction. I decided to go a more artistic route this year, here is one of our projects!

We used acrylic paint, each child chose a color and used their pointer finger to fill in the dove shape. I love the way it turned out! I want it for my house! :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Collective Nouns

With Common Core, 2nd graders now need to know commonly used collective nouns. In my previous post, I showed the anchor chart that we created using some of these common collective nouns. For this activity, the students chose one collective noun, wrote a sentence using the noun and created an illustration to go with it. We used construction paper and markers/crayons to create a mixed media effect. They came out great!